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Roof Consultants
B-Raines Slate and Solar Roofing Co., Contact: Brian Raines, 231 S. Bemiston Ave., Suite 800, Clayton, MO 63105; Ph: 314-500-ROOF; Cell: 314-266-9556; Email
Baker Roofing Company, Contact: Robert M. Allen, 517 Mercury St., Raleigh, NC 27603; Ph: 919-239-9799; Email
Cornett Roofing Systems; Contact: Hanna Brown, 1442 Amy Ln, Franklin, IN 46131; Ph: 317-738-0005; C: 317-383-6700; F: 317-738-0004; Email
George O. Parsons Roofing and Siding, Inc., Contact: George Parsons or Ailyn Damrau, 540 Franklin Ave., Franklin Square, NY 11010; Ph: 516-216-5125; Cell: 516-736-1446; Email:
Heins Contracting, Contact: Bryan Heins, 1930 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison, WI 53716; Ph: 608-732-9063; Cell: 608-732-9067; Email:
Hertless Brothers Roofing, Inc.; 1733 Arlington Road, Richmond, VA 23230; Contact: Scott Shufflebarger; Ph: 804-340-0181; Cell: 804-283-1241; Fax: 804-340-0184 Email
Innovative Construction and Roofing LLC, Contact: Patrick McNichols, 10850 Baur Blvd., Saint Louis, MO 63132-1629; Ph: 314-546-4047 X200; Fax: 866-463-8969; Email
Kurtz Construction Company, Inc.,1100 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038; Ph: 215-247-8020; Fax: 215-247-1148; Contact: Kevin Reilly
Midsouth Construction, 1619 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37210; Ph: 615-712-8893; Fax: 615-712-8821 Attn: Sherri Wellborn
Old World Craftsmen, Inc., P.O. Box 710, Lake City, FL 32056 (334 SW Hamlet Circle, Lake City, FL 32024); Ph: 386-758-3264; Fax: 386-754-9487; Email
Old World Roofing Co. LLC, Contact: Cullen Hagerty, 2700 Brannon Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139; Ph: 314-664-4845; Fax: 314-664-0247; Cell: 314-604-8961; Email
O'Lyn Roofing, Contact: Michael Olen, 916 Pleasant St. Unit 4, Norwood, MA 02062; Ph: 781-769-8599; Cell: 617-212-8054; Email
Precision Slate & Tile Roofing Co., Contact: J. Trevor Fisher, 2767 East 4th Ave., Columbus, OH 43219; Ph: 614-448-8344; Cell: 614-639-2543
Reclaimed Roofs Inc., Contact: Doug Cochran, 4023 Kennett Pike, Ste 213, Greenville, DE 19807, PH: 302-369-9187, FX: 302-397-2742, Mobile: 302-388-1155;
Renaissance Roofing, Inc., 2231 Hawkey Drive, Belvidere, IL 61008; Contact: Robert Raleigh III; ph: 800-699-5695; fax: 815-547-1425; Email
Roofwerks Inc., Contact: Holly Bowers, 5413 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27606; Ph: 919-852-2660; Fax: 919-852-2661; Email
Summit Construction Group LLC; Contact: Tom Huepenbecker, 5325 W. 74th St., Suite 11, Edina, MN 55439; Ph: 763-732-2040
Tile Roofs, Inc., 9505 Corsair Rd., Frankfort, IL 60423; Ph: 888-708-8453 (TILE); Fx: 708-479-7865; Email
Wagner Roofing Company, 5328 46th Ave., Hyattsville, MD 20781; Contact: Dean Jagusch; Ph: 301-927-9030