We have five membership categories:
Affiliate | Non-Profit Affiliate | Supporting | Roofing Contractor | Slate Roofing Contractor
1. Fill out an English Membership Application and sign it. Or download an application in Spanish.
2. Send the application to: Slate Roofing Contractors Association, 143 Forest Lane, Grove City, PA 16127 USA. Or email it to: Mail@SlateRoofers.org.
3. Pay by check made payable to SRCA. Or click on the "Dues" link on top and pay there! Your membership cannot be activated until the dues have been paid! Contractors pay $400 annually. Affiliates pay $300. Supporters pay $100.00. Non-profits do not pay.
NOTE: A membership application must be paid, filled out, signed, and approved before a membership becomes valid.
(Supporting Members receive a plaque and internet listing only).
One copy of the Slate Roof Bible 3rd Edition (2016):
One copy of Slate Roofs 1926:
One solid hardwood membership plaque:
Window Decals:
Printed Installation Guidelines:
Printed Repair and Restoration Guidelines:
Plus you will be listed on the Alphabetical Member List, Category Member List, Member Map, Contractor Directory, and on your choice of source lists: New Slate, Salvaged Slate, Ceramic Tile, Asbestos Tile, Consultants, and Architectural Sheet Metal.
1) Supporting Member: $100.00 U.S./year: This category is open to anyone who wants to support the SRCA, including homeowners and other non-professionals. The annual membership fee is $100.00. Membership benefits include a listing on the slateroofers.org web site with access to the “members only” section of the site.
2) Affiliate Member: $300.00 U.S./year: This category is open to those who are involved in the general slate manufacturing industry, roofing industry, architectural, consulting, and design industries, etc., but who are not roofing contractors who are actively engaged in slate roofing practices. The annual membership fee is $300.00 and includes a membership plaque. Membership also entitles the member to a listing and links on the slateroofers.org web site with access to the “members only” section of the site, and listing on the slateroofers.org source lists.
3) Non-Profit Affiliate Member: Free: For non-profit 501c3, 501c6, or unincorporated state-registered non-profit associations engaged in related activities such as roofing, general construction, historic preservation, building trades education, materials standards, construction specifications, or other non-profit categories directly or indirectly related to slate roof contracting. Each non-profit affiliate membership will be considered a single, non-voting member. Dues are waived for non-profit affiliates, but such members must submit an updated membership application on a yearly basis as a condition of continuing membership. Member non-profits are encouraged to offer a similar reciprocal, dues-free membership to the SRCA. Membership also entitles the member to a listing and links on the slateroofers.org web site with access to the “members only” section of the site, and listing on the slateroofers.org source lists.
4) Roofing Contractor Member: $400.00 U.S./year: This membership level is open to professional roofing contractors who do not have 5 years continuous professional experience in natural quarried slate roofing and/or do not currently do at least 75% of their roof contracting in natural quarried slate. This category is suitable for those roofing contractors who do primarily non-slate roofing, but also do some slate work. The $400.00 annual membership fee includes a membership plaque, a listing and links on the SRCA Contractor Directory, a listing and links on the slateroofers.org website with access to the “members only” section of the site, a listing on any of the slateroofers.org source lists, a copy of the Slate Roof Bible, 3rd edition, and a copy of the National Slate Association's 1926 book, Slate Roofs.
5) Slate Roofing Contractor Member: $400.00 U.S./year: This membership level is open to roofing contractors in good standing who have 5 years continuous professional experience in natural quarried slate roofing and, during that time have done at least 75% of their roof contracting in natural quarried slate OR who do at least $500,000.00 per year in natural quarried slate roofing contracts. If you feel that you qualify for Slate Roofing Contractor status but don't fulfill the requirements listed above, you can apply for a variance. This membership level requires an annual fee of $400. In return, the member receives a membership plaque, a listing and links on the SRCA Contractor Directory, a listing and links on the slateroofers.org website with access to the “members only” section of the site, and a listing on any of the slateroofers.org source lists. Slate Roofing Contractor members also receive a copy of the Slate Roof Bible, 3rd edition, and a copy of the National Slate Association's 1926 book, Slate Roofs.
View a Membership Application.