Slate Roofing Contractors Association

Slate Roofing Contractors Association


The SRCA will be at the

International Roofing Expo 2025, February 19-21

San Antonio, Texas
SRCA Booth #33106

San Antonio, Texas, IRE 2025

Discounted Registration Rate:



Bronze $500.00:

Alpine Snow Guards, Contact: Kelly Player, 289 Harrel St., Morrisville, VT 05661; Ph: 888-766-4273; Fax: 888-766-9994

CB Specialty Roofs LLC, Contact: Chad Brandon, 1082 Smith Gap Road, Bath, PA 18014; Ph: 610-837-6955; Cell: 610-217-8354; Email

Durable Slate Company; Contact: Justin Willis, 3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445; Fax: 614-299-7100;; Email

Grist Slate and Copper Roofing, Inc., Contact: Korby Grist, 1345 Ravens View Drive, Victoria, BC, V9B 6P7 Canada; Ph: 250-727-3611; Fax: 250-727-3612; Email

HKC Roofing, Contact: Henry Mitchell, 6161 Wiehe Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45237; Cell: 513-378-6019; Office: 513-371-1841; Fax: 513-563-6444

Jenkins Slate Masters, Contact: Orion Jenkins, 298 Old Beech Road, Grove City PA 16127; Ph: 814-786-7496; Email

Mahan Slate Roofing Company, Contact: Jack Mahan, PO Box 2860, Springfield, MA 01101; Ph: 413-788-9529; Toll free: 800-347-9529; Fax: 413-737-3002, Email

New England Slate Company, Contact: Clay Heald, 363 VT Route 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 888-637-5283; Fax: 802-287-2296; Email

Stevens Roofing Corp., Contact: Nicholas Price, Vice-President, 818 West 39th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508; Ph: 757-489-8791; Fax: 757-489-8649; Email

Vermont Slate Company LLC, Contact: Rebecca Evans, 2720 Gregory St., Suite 200, Savannah, GA 31404; Ph: 866-339-2038; Fax: 229-299-4841; Email

Vintage Slate Company, Inc., Contact: Clay Heald, 1614 Vermont Rt. 30, Wells, VT 05774 (mail) and 122 Vermont Rt. 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764 (shop); Cell: 802-342-0915

Silver $1000.00:

North Country Slate, Contact: Chris Large, 42 Anderson Blvd., Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada, L9P 0C7; 1-800-975-2835; Fax: 416-724-2807; Email

be natural Slate, Contact: Julian Calvo, 15004 Galicia, Spain; Ph: +34 647 76 35 87

John Stortz and Son, Inc., Contact: Tom Stortz, 4 Pheasant Run, Newtown, PA 18940; Ph: 215-627-3855; Fax: 215-627-6506; Email

Gold $1500.00

Precision Construction & Roofing, Contact: Eric Hunter, 7605 Davis Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76182; Ph: 877-519-8985; Cell: 817-917-2296

Platinum $2000.00

Camara Slate Products, Inc., Contact: Mike Camara, PO Box 8, 963 S. Main Street., Fair Haven, VT 05743; Ph: 802-265-3200; Fax: 802-265-2211, Email

Greenstone Slate Company, Contact: Jonathan Hill, PO Box 134, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 802-287-4333; Fax: 802-287-5720; Email

If you want to be a sponsor, send us an email and we will send you an invoice!

IRE Exhibit Hall Hours:
Wed. 2/19: 11am - 5pm
Thur. 2/20: 11am - 5pm
Fri. 2/21: 11am - 3pm
IRE Conference Hours:
Wed. 2/19: 8:15am - 11am
Thur. 2/20: 8:30am - 11am
Fri. 2/21: 8:30am - 11am


We will be demonstrating a rounded (woven) slate valley installation, as well as the NRCA Pro Cert roof mockup, but we need sponsors to help cover our costs! This year we will again have vertical display stands for sponsors' printed material and sponsor banners displaying our sponsor's names and information. Plus, we would love to have you there by our side drawing passers-by in and telling them about natural quarried slate roofing! If you want to be a sponsor, send us an email and we will send you an invoice!

Orion Jenkins and Dominic Nave demonstrate a woven slate valley  installation for the Slate Roofing Contractors Association at the 2024 International Roofing Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada

The SRCA was at the 2024 IFD in Innsbruck, Austria.

(read more on our IFD page)

Innsbruck, Austria


29th World Championship of Young Roofer and 72nd IFD Congress in Innsbruck. Venue: Rennweg 3 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Start: November 13, 2024 8:00 am. End: November 15, 2024 Midnight. The World Championship of Young Roofers and Facade Builders takes place in Innsbruck in beautiful Tyrol. The World Championship is an international event where young professionals demonstrate their skills and competencies in a competitive environment. The participants come from different countries and have the opportunity to compete in the disciplines of facade (wall), flat roof, pitched roof, or metal roof. (read more on our IFD page)

The 73rd IFD Congress in conjunction with the IFD AWARD will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia from October 22-25, 2025. The 74th IFD Congress and the 30th World Championship of Young Roofers (Pitched – Metal – Flat Roof) / Facade Builders will be held in Budapest, Hungary from October 12-16, 2026. We kindly ask you to save these dates in your calendar.

The SRCA was at the International Roofing Expo (IRE) 2024

February 6-8, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV

  The Slate Roofing Contractors Association of North America had a double booth at the 2024 International Roofing 
Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada!

PLATINUM ($2,000.00)

Camara Slate Products, Inc., Contact: Mike Camara, PO Box 8, 963 S. Main Street., Fair Haven, VT 05743; Ph: 802-265-3200; Fax: 802-265-2211, Email; Member since 2/28/2006.

Fania Specialty Roofing Group; a division of Fania Roofing Company. PO Box 1009, 271 East Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ  07802, Ph: 973-361-9151; Fax: 973-361-6527; Eastern Pennsylvania Office: 1275 Glenlivet Drive, Suite 100, Allentown, PA 18106; Ph: 610-391-9145 Email. Charter Member; Member since 5/23/2005.

Greenstone Slate Company, Contact: Jonathan Hill, PO Box 134, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 802-287-4333; Fax: 802-287-5720; Email; Member since 8/24/2006.

Vintage Copper and Slate LLC, Contact: Brandon Colli, 334 Knight St., Suite #11-200, Warwick, RI 02886; Cell: 401-222-0080; Email:; Member since 12/06/2023.

GOLD ($1,500.00)

be natural slate, Contact: Julian Calvo, 15004 Galicia, Spain; Email; Ph: +34 647 76 35 87; Member since 3/7/2015.

Vermont Slate Company LLC, 2600 Louisville Rd., Savannah, GA 31415; Ph: 802-855-1383; Fax: 802-884-4600; Email; Member since 1/18/2013.

SILVER ($1,000.00)

John Stortz and Son, Inc., Contact: Tom Stortz, 210 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106; Ph: 215-627-3855; Fax: 215-627-6506; Email; Member since 9/17/2012.

North Country Slate, Contact: Chris Large, 42 Anderson Blvd., Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada, L9P 0C7; 1-800-975-2835; Fax: 416-724-2807; Email; Member since 8/18/2006.

SSQ Natural Slate: Contact: Haroun El-Helw, Director; Ph: +44 7734557443; Email:
SSQ HQ: 301 Elveden Road, Park Royal, London NW10 7SS; +44 20 8961 7725;
Argentina: SSQ Argentina, Ruta 7 - Km. 781.5, Juana Koslay, (5701) San Luis, República Argentina
Spain: SSQ España: C/Academia Dequidt, nº 1-ofc. 1, 32.300 Barco de Valdeorras, Orense - España

BRONZE ($500.00)

Alpine Snow Guards, Contact: Kelly Player, 289 Harrel St., Morrisville, VT 05661; Ph: 888-766-4273; Fax: 888-766-9994; Member since 1/10/2024.

CB Specialty Roofs LLC, Contact: Chad Brandon, 1082 Smith Gap Road, Bath, PA 18014; Ph: 610-837-6955; Cell: 610-217-8354; Email; Member since 3/8/2021.

Durable Slate Company; Contact: Justin Willis, 3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445; Fax: 614-299-7100;; Email, Member since 3/23/2005.

New England Slate Company, Contact: Clay Heald, 363 VT Route 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 888-637-5283; Fax: 802-287-2296; Email; Member since 2/1/2014.

Newmont Slate Co., Inc., Contact: Bob Williams, 720 Vermont Rte 149, West Pawlet, VT 05775; Ph: 802-884-8091; Fax: 412-687-7969; Member since 10/11/2007.

Renaissance Roofing, Inc., Contact: Robert Raleigh III, 2231 Hawkey Drive, Belvidere, IL 61008; Ph: 800-699-5695; Fax: 815-547-1425; Email; Member since 6/30/2006.

Slate Roof Warehouse, Contact: Joe Jenkins, 143 Forest Lane, Grove City PA 16127; Ph: 814-786-9085; Fax: 814-786-8209; Email; Member since March 2005.

Vintage Slate Company, Inc., Contact: Clay Heald, 1614 Vermont Rt. 30, Wells, VT 05774 (mail) and 122 Vermont Rt. 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764 (shop); Cell: 802-342-0915; Email; Member since 4/18/2007.

IFD 2023, October 11-14, Bolzano, Italy

The 2023 IFD Congress and Awards took place in the northern Italian Alps in the 850-year-old village of Bolzano. Renaissance Roofing, Inc., [Contact: Robert Raleigh III, 2231 Hawkey Drive, Belvidere, IL 61008; Ph: 800-699-5695] took first place in the metal roofing category [the Martin County Courthouse (Minnesota) Copper Dome and Standing Seam Roof Replacement.]. The Durable Slate Company [Contact: Justin Willis, 3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445] took 3rd place in the "steep slope" category [the Maryland State House Dome restoration].


The entire USA group attending the 2023 IFD in Bolzano, Italy.

Above: The entire USA group attending the 2023 IFD in Bolzano, Italy.

Below: l-r, Lon Gorsch of Renaissance, John Chan and Gary Howes of Durable Slate, Robert Raleigh III of Renaissance.

l-r, Lon Gorsch of Renaissance, John Chan and Gary Howes of Durable Slate, Robert Raleigh III of Renaissance.


Renaissance Roofing's 1st place winner at the 2023 International Federation for the Roofing Trades Congress and Award Competition in Bolzano, Italy.

Above: Renaissance's first place winner.

Below: Durable Slate's 3rd place winner.

Durable Slate's 3rd place winner at the 2023 International Federation for the Roofing Trades Congress and Award Competition in Bolzano, Italy.



A group made up of National Slate Association and Slate Roofing Contractors Association members headed to the U.K. and then Ireland to learn more about slate and its origins.

Above: A group made up of National Slate Association and Slate Roofing Contractors Association members headed to the UK in 2023 and then Ireland to learn more about slate and its origins. READ MORE

IRE 2023

We were at the 2023 International Roofing Expo, March 7-9, in Dallas, Texas, Booth 9421!


Dominic Nave of Jenkins Slate Masters Inc. demonstrates a woven slate valley at the SRCA booth at the 2023 IRE in Dallas, Texas

Our 2023 IRE Booth Sponsors:


Platinum ($2000.00)


Greenstone Slate Company, Contact: Jonathan Hill; PO Box 134, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 802-287-4333; Email

Camara Slate Products, Inc., Contact: Shawn Camara, PO Box 8, 963 S. Main Street., Fair Haven, VT 05743; Ph: 802-265-3200; Email

Gold ($1500.00)


be natural slate, Contact: Julian Calvo; 15004 Galicia, Spain; Email; Ph: +34 647 76 35 87

HKC Roofing, Contact: Henry Mitchell, 6161 Wiehe Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45237; Cell: 513-378-6019; Office: 513-371-1841; Email

Silver ($1000.00)


John Stortz and Son, Inc., 210 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106; Ph: 215-627-3855; Fax: 215-627-6506; Email

Bronze ($500.00)


CB Specialty Roofs LLC, 1082 Smith Gap Road, Bath, PA 18014; Ph: 610-837-6955; Cell: 610-217-8354; Email

CC&W Enterprises, Inc., 535 Live Oak Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806; Ph: 225-343-0130; Email

Chicago Metal Supply and Fabrication, 4940 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639; Ph: 773-227-6200; Email

Durable Slate Company, 3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445; Email

J&M Roofing LLC; 2344 Mill Hill Rd., Quakertown, PA 18951; Ph: 267-372-2205; Email

Mahan Slate Roofing Company, PO Box 2860, Springfield, MA 01101; Ph: 413-788-9529; Email

Nathan Trotter, 241 W. Stewart Huston Dr, Coatesville, PA 19320; Ph: 610-524-1440; Email

New England Slate Company, 363 VT Route 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 888-637-5283; Email

Newmont Slate Co., Inc., 720 Vermont Rte 149, West Pawlet, VT 05775; Ph: 802-884-8091; Email

North Country Slate, 42 Anderson Blvd., Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada, L9P 0C7; 1-800-975-2835; Email

Old World Roofing Co. LLC, 2700 Brannon Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139; Ph: 314-664-4845; Email

Scottie Ballantyne Roofing, Inc.; 2610 Oakland Ave., Garland, TX 75041; Ph: 972-279-8857; Email

Slate Roof Professionals, 74 Glen Rock Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009; Ph: 973-673-8900; Email, Ph: 814-786-9085; Email

Stevens Roofing Corp., 818 West 39th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508; Ph: 757-489-8791; Email

Vermont Slate Company LLC, 2600 Louisville Rd., Savannah, GA 31415; Ph: 802-855-1383; Email

Vintage Slate Company, Inc., 122 Vermont Rt. 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764 (shop); Cell: 802-342-0915; Email


Here is the list of all SRCA Meeting Minutes.

SRCA Board Meeting Minutes of November 22, 2022


National Slate Association 2022 Conference  


SRCA was at Booth #3303 at the 2022 IRE in New Orleans, LA

February 1-3, 2022

Board and Member meetings took place on Feb. 1 @ 6 pm at: Residence Inn New Orleans, French Quarter Area

Thanks to Our

SRCA Booth Sponsors IRE 2022 in New Orleans, LA

PLATINUM ($2,000.00)

Greenstone Slate Company, PO Box 134, Poultney, VT 05764; Contact: Jonathan Hill; Ph: 802-287-4333; Fax: 802-287-5720; Email

BRONZE ($500.00)

Chicago Metal Supply and Fabrication, Contact: Ski Wysocki, 4940 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639; Ph: 773-227-6200; Fax: 773-227-1700; Email

CC&W Enterprises, Inc., Contact: Cindy Coghlan, 535 Live Oak Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806; Ph: 225-343-0130; Fax: 225-387-8638; Email; Member since 2/1/2014.

Gabi Criado

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we sought out some of our wonderful Hispanic sisters to give us a little insight to their life as a Hispanic Woman in Roofing. Today we have answers from Gabriella Criado representing Puerto Rico! In the spirit of Hispanic Heritage month, we want the NWIR community to know your unique insight on being a woman of Hispanic descent! Read the full article online.

Gabi Criado – PR/Marketing
The Durable Slate Company
Columbus, OH

Re-Elected Board Chairman Gary Howes

Re-elected Chairman of the Board, August 11, 2021

Gary Howes, Slate Roofing Contractors Association Board of Directors

Durable Slate Company, "Installation, Repair, Restoration, serving the Midwest, East and South."3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445; Fax: 614-299-7100;; Email. Re-elected to another 3-year term on August 11, 2021 (until the end of February 2024), at the general member meeting in Las Vegas, NV. Re-elected as chairman of the board in 2021 for an additional 1-year term.

Re-elected Board Vice-Chairman John Mahan

Re-elected Vice-Chairman of the Board, August 11, 2021

John Mahan, SRCA Board Member

Mahan Slate Roofing Company, Contact: Jack Mahan, PO Box 2860, Springfield, MA 01101; Ph: 413-788-9529; Toll free: 800-347-9529; Fax: 413-737-3002, Email. Re-elected to another 3-year term on August 11, 2021 (until the end of February 2024), at the general member meeting in Las Vegas, NV. Re-elected as vice-chairman of the board in 2021 for an additional 1-year term.

New Board Member: Chad Brandon

Chad Brandon, SRCA Board Member

CB Specialty Roofs LLC, 1082 Smith Gap Road, Bath, PA 18014; Ph: 610-837-6955; Cell: 610-217-8354; Email. Chad was elected to the board on August 11, 2021 at the general member meeting in Las Vegas NV, for an extended 3-year term through February 2025.

The Slate Roofing Contractors Association was at the

2021 International Roofing Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Double booth #3312 Bayside Halls D-F!
Member meeting at the Tradewinds C meeting room.
Wed. August 11th, 5:30-8:30 pm.



PLATINUM ($2,000)

Greenstone Slate Company, PO Box 134, Poultney, VT 05764; Contact: Jonathan Hill; Ph: 802-287-4333; Fax: 802-287-5720; Email

Camara Slate Products, Inc., Contact: Mike Camara, PO Box 8, 963 S. Main Street., Fair Haven, VT 05743; Ph: 802-265-3200; Fax: 802-265-2211, Email

GOLD ($1,500)
Vermont Slate Company LLC, 2600 Louisville Rd., Savannah, GA 31415; Contact: Lucas Severance; Ph: 802-855-1383; Fax: 802-884-4600; Email

SSQ North America: Contact: Rebecca Evans, Sales Director - North America; Ph: 202-286-2960

SILVER ($1,000)

Chicago Metal Supply and Fabrication, Contact: Ski Wysocki, 4940 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL 60639; Ph: 773-227-6200; Fax: 773-227-1700; Email

Be Natural Slate; Contact: Julian Calvo; 15004 Galicia, Spain; Email; Ph: +34 647 76 35 87

Nathan Trotter, 241 W. Stewart Huston Dr, Coatesville, PA 19320; Contact: Dave Cook; Ph: 610-524-1440; Fax: 610-524-2469; Cell: 484-725-2989; Email

John Stortz and Son, Inc., Contact: John Stortz, 210 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106; Ph: 215-627-3855; Fax: 215-627-6506; Email

BRONZE ($500.00)

CB Specialty Roofs LLC, Contact: Chad Brandon, 1082 Smith Gap Road, Bath, PA 18014; Ph: 610-837-6955; Cell: 610-217-8354; Email

North Country Slate, 880 Milner Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1B 5N7; 1-800-975-2835; Contact: Chris Large; Fax: 416-724-2807; Email

Newmont Slate Co., Inc., 720 Vermont Rte 149, West Pawlet, VT 05775; Ph: 802-884-8091; Fax: 412-687-7969; Contact: Bob Williams

Taran Brothers Slate Company, 2522 VT Rt. 30 N, North Poultney VT, 05764; Contact: Stephen, Joe, or Barbara Taran; Ph/Fax: 802-287-5853; 802-265-3220; 802-287-9308; Email

CC&W Enterprises, Inc., Contact: Cindy Coghlan, 535 Live Oak Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806; Ph: 225-343-0130; Fax: 225-387-8638; Email

HKC Roofing, Contact: Henry Mitchell, 6161 Wiehe Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45237; Cell: 513-378-6019; Office: 513-371-1841; Fax: 513-563-6444; Email

The New England Slate Company, Contact: Clay Heald, 363 VT Route 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764; Ph: 888-637-5283; Fax: 802-287-2296; Email

The Vintage Slate Company, Inc., Contact: Clay Heald, 1614 Vermont Rt. 30, Wells, VT 05774 (mail) and 122 Vermont Rt. 30 South, Poultney, VT 05764 (shop); Phone: 802-645-0274; Cell: 802-342-0915; Email



These SRCA Training and Education Programs have been launched:


First SRCA Training and Education Programs have been completed


Contact our registered instructors to schedule a course or seminar:


(Seminar Presenter)

J.S. Held LLC, Contact: Chad Brandon, 1845 Walnut St. #2300, Philadelphia, PA 191039; Cell: 610-816-9106; Email


Durable Slate Company, 3933 Groves Rd., Columbus, OH 43232; Ph: 800-666-7445; Fax: 614-299-7100;; Email


Grist Slate and Tile Roofing, Inc., 1345 Ravens View Drive, Victoria, BC, V9B 6P7 Canada; Ph: 250-727-3611; Fax: 250-727-3612; Contact Person: Korby Grist; Email


Jenkins Slate Masters, Contact: Orion Jenkins, 298 Old Beech Road, Grove City PA 16127; Ph: 814-786-7496; Email


Joseph Jenkins, Inc., 143 Forest Lane, Grove City PA 16127; Ph: 814-786-9085; Fax: 814-786-8209; Email


Mahan Slate Roofing Company, Contact: John Mahan, PO Box 2860, Springfield, MA 01101; Ph: 413-788-9529; Toll free: 800-347-9529; Fax: 413-737-3002, Email


Stevens Roofing Corp., Contact: Nicholas Price, Vice-President; 818 West 39th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508; Ph: 757-489-8791; Fax: 757-489-8649; Email

Want to present SRCA seminars to groups?
Apply to become an SRCA authorized course instructor and/or seminar presenter!

International Roofing Expo 2020, Dallas Texas


International Roofing Expo 2020 SRCA Booth Sponsors

International Roofing Expo 2020 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association


International Roofing Expo 2020 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association

International Roofing Expo 2020 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association

International Roofing Expo 2020 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association


IFD 2019 Edinburgh, Scotland

September 25-28, 2019

SRCA Board of Directors at the IFD 2019 Edinburgh, Scotland

Left to right: Board Vice-chair John Mahan, Board Chair Gary Howes, Executive Director Joe Jenkins, Director Nick Price, Director Korby Grist

IFD Award Competition 2019, SRCA Wins Big!

The Durable Slate Company takes the Gold with the Steeple Square copper turret project:

IFD Award Competition 2019, SRCA Wins Big!


IFD Award Competition 2019, SRCA Wins Big!


Grist Slate and Tile placed as a finalist in the steep slope category with the incredible Fairmont Empress roof restoration in Canada.

Grist Slate and Tile placed as a finalist in the steep slope category with the incredible Fairmont Empress roof restoration in Canada:

Grist Slate and Tile placed as a finalist in the steep slope category with the incredible Fairmont Empress roof restoration in Canada:


Why join? View a Membership Invitation!

Anyone can join the SRCA as a Supporting Member. Other membership categories include Affiliate Member for those who are not contractors, such as quarriers, marketers, architects, conservators, preservation professionals, engineers, etc. The Roofing Contractor Member category is for roofers who don't specialize in slate and the Slate Roofing Contractor category is for roofing contractors who do specialize primarily in natural quarried slate roofing. Please JOIN us today! Or call us at 814-786-7015.

Contractor and Affiliate members are entitled to be listed on any of our source lists.

More information about member Categories and Benefits. View a membership invitation. View a membership application.

Download a Membership Application

Sign up for a membership here.

All members except supporting members receive a solid hardwood membership plaque, free SRCA bumperstickers, window stickers, the Slate Roof Bible 3rd edition, Slate Roofs 1926, Installation Guidelines, and Repair/Restoration Guidelines. Just email us for additional bumperstickers and/or window stickers or call 814-786-7015.

Slate Roofing Contractors Association membership plaque

Member plaque (above), bumpersticker (below).

Slate Roofing Contractors Association bumpersticker

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